Welcome to KCMIT
Bachelor of Information Management
126 Credit Hours

BIM Details

BIM program provides an interdisciplinary education for students interested in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Management, with major focus in ICT. Graduates from this program will have the knowledge and skills to develop business information systems, analyze and design databases, develop network Internet applications, and have a sound understanding of the business processes. The emphasis is on skills development in programming information system projects. Additionally BIM also provides students with an understanding of the principles and operations of business, and the importance of the computer as a management tool through planning, control, and decision-making activities of the organization.

Students intending to study in this program should have a strong interest in information technology, ability to think logically and creatively and an aptitude for data analysis and information-based decision making. BIM program being in the semester system, the student has to be a continuous learner and a good team player.

Teaching Pedagogy

All the faculty members for both BIM and BBA are equipped with the sound knowledge of their subject matters as well as essential skills needed to teach this kind of technologically advanced courses. The general teaching methodology includes:

I.    Class lectures                          II.    Multimedia Presentation                        III.  Practical Class

IV.  Group Discussion                   V.     Case Studies                                          VI.  Project Work

VII. Term Papers                            VII.  Seminars                                                 IX.  Internship


Students from all the faculty are eligible to get admission for the BIM program. PCL or 10+2 passed with minimum 2 CGPA (not less than D+ in single Subject) are eligible for the admission.

Semester 1

This course aims to develop students' skill in oral and written communication in English language.

This module aims to introduce students to the basics of computer and its use and application in real world situations. Students are expected to learn to use the MS Office for word processing, spreadsheet, graphic presentation, and Internet. Laboratory work is essential in this module.

The objective of this subject is to provide the foundation in the core fundamentals of digital technology. After completing this course students will be able to design simple digital devices and implement them. Laboratory work is essential in this module.

This module aims to impart the basic management knowledge, and skills to the students so as to enhance their managerial capabilities and enable them to apply in the practical field.

This module aims to provide the students with the basic mathematical skills required to understand management, IT and computing courses.

Semester 2

This module aims to introduce students to the discipline of computing with a focus on good program design, programming styles, and structured program development using a high-level programming language. The students shall also be introduced to the basic concepts in procedural abstraction, structured programming and top-down design with stepwise refinement. Laboratory work is essential in this module.

Notes,Ebooks & Questions:

The objective of this module is to provide a fundamental concept of the electrical characteristics of digital signals and the basic methods of data transmission, underlying principles in the design of a layered network architecture, identify the general characteristics of local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs), and concept of TCP/IP protocol stack as an example of a layered network architecture.

This course aims to develop students' skill in presenting effective oral and written communication in English language with a focus on presenting seminars, writing papers and reports, business correspondence and so on. 

To understand the concepts: Mathematical Reasoning, Combinatorial Analysis, Discrete Structures, Algorithmic Thinking, and Applications. 

This module aims to inculcate knowledge of basic sociological concepts and methods so that students are equipped with an adequate understanding of the sociological perspectives on management and business administration. 

Semester 3

This module aims to familiarize students with the function and process of financial reporting system from a user and system designer perspective.

This course is designed to serve as an ideal beginners guide to writing web pages using XHTML, using CSS to make pages more appealing and add interactivity to pages using JavaScript.

This course aims to develop students' skill in JAVA programming. Students are expected to have the basic knowledge of programming with 'C' language. This course should be associated with laboratory experiments to augment the concepts taught in the class.

This module aims to provide knowledge to understand the architecture of hardware components used in organization and design of digital computers and also design procedures of digital computers. Laboratory work is essential in this module.

This course introduces the students to statistical tools and techniques which are applied to in business decision-making. The course will cover the basic tools used to describe data for the purposes of transforming data into information. In addition, the course will present the fundamentals of statistical inference showing how it is possible to examine a small subset of data to reach conclusions about the larger set of data.
The statistical tools should be introduced from an applied perspective using business related examples. Microsoft Excel software will be used throughout the course to aid in statistical analysis.

Semester 4

The primary objective of the module is to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, tools and techniques of cost and management accounting and their application in managerial decision making.

This module aims to develop students' understanding of the microeconomic concepts and theories in order to enhance their skill in analyzing business opportunities, market and risks.

This course aims to provide a systematic introduction to data structures and algorithms for constructing efficient computer programs. The course emphasizes on data abstraction issues (through ADTs) in the program development process, and on efficient implementation of chosen data structures and algorithms. Laboratory work is essential in this course.

This course will teach to develop interactive and dynamic web sites. Currently dynamism has become vital part of web site for any organization. This course will be of great help for student in integrating dynamism in their web sites that have competitive advantage

The main objective of this module is to provide strong theoretical and practical knowledge of the database management system.

Semester 5

This course aims to build students' understanding of the marketing process and principles and inculcate basic skills to analyze marketing decision situations.

This module aims to develop students' understanding of the macroeconomic concepts to enhance their skills in analyzing business environment for decision-making.

This module aims to develop students’ skill in computer graphics. This module should be supported by
laboratory experiments to augment the concepts taught in the class.

This course aims to develop students with knowledge with advanced features of java. Basic knowledge of programming in Java is expected from students. This course should be associated with laboratory experiments to augment the concepts taught in the class.

This course aims is to focus on network communication protocol.It alsoexplains the motivation of networks and provides in-depth discussion on the challenges in designing such networks from transmission system and network point of views. Further to illustrate these principles and get hands- on experience the course contains a set of lab assignments and a project.

Semester 6

The basic objective of this course is to impart basic knowledge and required skills of business finance to students to understand the nature and functions of finance and to professionally use the knowledge to analyze financial issues and take appropriate financial decisions and actions thereto.

This module aims to introduce students with problems in large-scale software production. It should be associated with laboratory experiments to augment the concepts taught in the class.

This module aims to introduce the fundamental knowledge of computer security and the recent development in the enactment of cyber laws.

This course aims to develop student's understanding of the basic concepts, practices and approaches of human resource management.

This course examines the economic, social, political, and legal interfaces between the business institution (especially the corporation) and the environment. The course intends to provide students with an overview of the environmental forces within which business must operate, and an understanding of some of the analytical tools that managers use to solve business and economic problems. The focus is to enable students to identify, understand and evaluate the environmental forces causing change in business performance and future strategic options.

Semester 7

This module aims to provide students with a background on the use and advantages of information systems in organizations with a focus on managerial aspects of MIS to promote an awareness of the economic, social, and ethical implications of such systems on society and IT professionals.

The main objective of this course is to acquaint students about technical approach for analyzing, designing and application, system, or business by applying the object oriented paradigm and visual modeling throughout development life cycles to foster better stakeholder communication and product quality.

This module aims to provide the students with the basic foundation on concepts of searching and knowledge representation in AI systems. The key objective is to make students more pragmatic in knowledge of AI by giving its applications like designing and training Artificial Neural Networks along with additional laboratory works.

This course aims is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of fundamental theories of organizational behavior.

This course aims to impart the basic knowledge, tools and techniques of operations management to students.

This course aims to develop students’ understanding of the strategic management by clearly explaining strategy concepts, analyzing and evaluating them to show how these are applied in the business world.

Semester 8

This module aims to impart entrepreneurial skill in student to effectively run business and efficiently manage the supply chain. Students are required to undertake project work in this module.

This module aims to examine information as an economic commodity and a public good especially in relation to pricing, provision and regulation.

The module aims to provide an overview of the roles, responsibilities and management methods of the software project manager. The course intended to teach students how to develop approaches and styles of management for software projects.

This module aims to provide the students the knowledge of Object Oriented Database Management System.

The objective of the course is to make learner understand foundation principles and techniques of data mining and data warehousing. Students will be able to select and use various data mining language and tools very useful for adding business value of an organization.

This module aims to revisit and reinforce the knowledge in the networking system with special emphasis to Internet protocols, and client server based architecture. Laboratory work is essential in this course.

This module aims to provide the concepts of Operating Systems and Implementation of Systems Utilities for Inter-process communication in a multiprocessor environment.

Non Credit Courses